The homeopathic remedy is substance that has been carefully prepared into basic medicinal form and then subjected to a process called potentization, in which it is alternately diluted and shaken. The number and letter of your remedy (for example:
Pulsatilla 200C), represents how many times it has been serially diluted at a rate of 1:100. The 200 is the serial number of dilutions.
The C means centesimal, or 100. If the dilution is 6X, this means six serial dilutions at a rate of 1:10.( X=10)
Storage of Remedies
If you are provided a remedy for home use, please:
- Store away from direct sunlight
- Keep in a dry place of moderate temperature. Do not refrigerate.
- Keep away from strong smelling medicines or lotions (i.e. camphor, perfumes, mothballs)
Administration of Remedies
Take the remedy at least fifteen minutes before you eat, drink, smoke or use toothpaste. Once taken do not ingest anything for another fifteen minutes. It is essential to carefully avoid antidotal influences. The waiting period may be increased depending upon the remedy administered. Please follow directions as indicated.
Take the remedy at least fifteen minutes before you eat, drink, smoke or use toothpaste. Once taken do not ingest anything for another fifteen minutes. It is essential to carefully avoid antidotal influences. The waiting period may be increased depending upon the remedy administered. Please follow directions as indicated.
Antidotes to Homeopathic Remedies
****** Remedies may be antidoted either partially or completely by various substances or other forms of treatment. It is essential to carefully avoid antidotal influences. Antidoting means complete inactivation of the medicinal effects of the remedy. Antidoting will result in stopping the process of healing, potentially causing a longer treatment process. ******
Things to Avoid
- Coffee: THE ANTIDOTAL EFFECT CAN OCCUR AFTER ONLY ONE MOUTHFUL OR AFTER MONTHS OF REGULAR CONSUMPTION. As there is no way to predict this; it is wise that a homeopathic patient avoids coffee. (This includes water-processed and all decaffeinated coffee.) There are occasionally exceptions; please ask to speak to your doctor about this.
Essential Oils: Eucalyptus, peppermint and other essential oil teas should be avoided. - Be aware: Herbal teas may have essentials oils added to them. Hot chocolate poses no concern.
Camphor: Deep heating liniment such as Tiger Balm, Vicks, various shaving crèmes, Noxzema products, many lip balms, cough lozenges, mothballs, etc. should be avoided. Massage with camphorated oil can antidote remedies, as well as long exposure to the odor itself.
****BE AWARE OF THESE TYPE OF PRODUCTS USED BY ANY/ALL HEALTH CARE PRACTITIONERS - Allopathic Drugs: Common drugs uniformly act to SUPPRESS specific or local symptoms, which weaken the inherent healing powers of homeopathic remedies. THEREFORE, THESE SHOULD BE AVOIDED EXCEPT IN EMERGENCY OR LIFE-THREATENING CONDITIONS.
- Occasional use of Aspirin or Tylenol is fine.
Dental Work: The drilling and possibly the anesthetic used in dentistry are reliable antidotes for homeopathic remedies. If you plan to have dental work, please discuss this with the physician before you begin to take your remedy.
Chemicals: The chemicals used in paint and solvents are known antidotes. - Electric Blankets: There appears to be a detrimental interaction between the electric field of the blanket and the body.
- Other Treatments: Homeopathy is based on a careful observation of the patient’s symptom over time. Anything which changes this balance of symptoms necessarily complicates the evaluation of the case and makes accurate prescribing more difficult. It is for this reason that we ask the patient not to undergo other forms of therapy during the course of the homeopathic treatment, unless specifically prescribed or by prior agreement.
Massage, without camphorated oils, chiropractic treatment, and vitamins do not interfere.
Individual Sensitivities: Foods, chemicals or other substances, which historically has caused reactions to you system, should be avoided.
Reactions to Remedies
The curative reactions to the homeopathic remedies are usually gradual, but please call us if one of the following situations arises:
- Symptoms worsen for more than five days after taking remedy
- An acute illness arises, i.e. influenza, earache, bladder infection, etc.
- Symptoms from a previous illness return. (This may indicate positive progress, but may require attention.)
Homeopathic Goal
The goal of homeopathy and naturopathic medicine is to decrease your limitations to unconditional health. The information provided is not meant to cause excessive concern about everyday life routines. These guidelines will simply aid the process of homeopathic treatment and contribute to your recovery.